Quick Starts

Instead of reading our documentation check out these great videos/links to get you started quickly. Please note some of the details have changes or become outdate due to constant developments and refinements.


Video Tutorials

Room Presence with ESPHome vs ESPresense (August 2024)

Getting Started with ESPresense (June 2023)

Why Everyone is Wrong About Room Presence (May 2023)

Tracking Smart Phones, Watches and Bluetooth Devices (March 2023)

Try These ESPresense Automations (February 2023)

ESPresense v3: Room-Level Presence Detection Made Simple (October 2022)

Smart Room Detection with ESPresense in Every Room (October 2022)

Ultimate Presence Detection Sensor for Your Dashboard (September 2022)

Setting Up Presence Detection in Home Assistant - Part 2 (May 2022)

Introduction to Presence Detection in Home Assistant - Part 1 (May 2022)

Tailor Made Automations for Each Person (April 2022)

How To Setup ESPresence for Room Presence Detection (February 2022)

The BEST Smart Home Room Presence Detection (January 2022)

Track Objects Inside Your House with BLE (December 2021)

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