Initial Settings
The ESP32 will launch a captive browser (under its own SSID) on first normal boot after flashing that will allow you to configure initial settings.
Main Configuration
- Language - Select your preferred interface language
- Room name - This is the name that will identify this sensor in Home Assistant, as well as the state of mqtt_room sensor. Use a upper/lower word and we’ll slugify it for the places that need that
- Seconds to wait for WiFi before captive portal (-1 = forever)
- Seconds to wait in captive portal before rebooting
- Ethernet Type - Select your ethernet connection type if applicable
MQTT Settings
- Server / Port - non encrypted mqtt server (SSL is NOT supported)
- Username / Password - Optional. Note: Since MQTT connections are unencrypted, these credentials will be transmitted in plaintext. Consider using these only in trusted networks.
- Send to:
- Discovery topic - enables home assistant mqtt topic (/homeassistant)
- Home Assistant discovery topic prefix - customize the discovery topic prefix
- Telemetry topic - enables stats about availability also used by counting
- Rooms topic - traditional mqtt_room topic
- Devices topic - instead of all mashed together topic, this adds a device to the path (much easier to understand in mqtt explorer)
- Automatically update - If enabled we’ll ask github for the latest version and if it’s not the same version as current update to it
- Include pre-released - Modifies the above check to include pre-releases
- Arduino OTA Update - If enabled you can remotely flash this device using the standard (espota/arduino) protocol. Keep disabled for less memory usage, and security.
For additional configuration options like scanning, counting, filtering, calibration, and more, see the Settings page.