These settings are accessible by clicking “Click here to edit other settings!” at the bottom of the initial configuration page.
- Request scan results (this makes the ESP actively ask every advertisement for an additional SCAN RESULT). Experimental you should leave off unless you really want all the extra traffic
- Known BLE mac addresses - If you have a device that uses a random ble mac BUT it doesn’t actually change the mac periodically you can just put it here and we’ll use the id
- Query - we use the best id we can figure out based on passively listening to device advertisements, but sometimes you want an even better id. Query enables the ESP to connect to the device and ask it questions. Currently we ask for the room assistant id, model, and name. If we get useful answers back we will upgrade the id to the most selective one.
This is a beta feature, it is for the usecase where a device fingerprint doesn’t come up with a unique device but you can gleen useful info from the number of unique macs that are currently broadcasting within a certain distance of the base station. This is most useful for exp:20 (covid exposure apps), apple: (apple devices), or msft:cdp (microsoft devices). Once configured auto discovery will add a Count sensor to your ESPresense device.
- Include device ids - ids to count
- Start counting/stop counting (meters) - instead of a HARD line we support allowing a device to “enter” once it gets below a certain distance and only leave when going above a different larger distance. If you set them to the same value you’ll get the HARD line
- Include device with age less than - Since we’re just getting stateless advertisements we also need the device to “LEAVE” if not seen within a certain amount of time
- Include only sending these ids to mqtt - Just like it says, if set ONLY ids that match this come to mqtt
- Exclude sending these ids to mqtt - If set will filter out just these ids
- Maximum distance to report - If the distance is over 16 meters, it’s probably crap and not worth even including in a trilaterization attempt, so don’t bother sending to mqtt
- Skip reporting if not seen (in milliseconds) / report early if beacon has moved more than this distance. The basic logic is if i’ve reported this recently check out how long it’s been and how far we’ve moved. If it’s been > than the distance here it will report. If its over the skip reporting ms then we’ll send the report with whatever the current distance is.
- Rssi expected from a 0dBm transmitter at 1 meter - This is an average value for your particular base station. In order to figure it out you need a beacon transmitting at exactly 0dBm and your ESP exactly 1 meter away. This value is the base value we use to calculate rss@1m for every beacon that doesn’t broadcast a calibrated rssi@1m. (Basically Alt/iBeacons and Eddystones all broadcast a calibrated rssi, everything else uses this w/ a correction factor)
- Factor used to account for absorption, reflection, or diffraction - An average value that accounts for the amount of “stuff” in between rooms in your house. Use a higher number for dense materials, lower for assuming no walls.
- Forget beacon if not seen for (in milliseconds) - Specifies how long to retain MAC addresses in the internal tracking list. If a device is not seen within this timeframe, it will be removed from tracking. Setting this value too low may cause unnecessary removal and re-addition of devices. Default: 300000 (5 minutes)
- Status LED - Blink the LED to the BLE advertisements. A constant slow blink means no mqtt connection.
- PIR motion pin (0 for disable) - GPIO pin to detect pir motion on
- Radar motion pin (0 for disable): - GPIO pin to detect radar motion on