
Example Configuration

You can find an example configuration file here

GPS Coordinates

Find your home’s coordinates:

  • Google Maps: Search your address and click the street in front of your house
  • Google Earth: Search your address and hover over your house - coordinates and elevation show in bottom right

Room Measurement Guide

Start at the bottom-left corner of your building/area - this serves as the origin (0,0). All measurements are taken from this corner. When plotting, use either clockwise or counter-clockwise direction consistently. If you prefer, you can start from any corner of your building, but you will need to remember to set the correcponding option in the map settings.

Example measurements (clockwise, using north as an example orientation, 2 rooms in a 3m * 8m house):

Note: All measurements are required to be in meters

Room 1

  1. Start point(North East Corner): (0,0)
  2. North wall (North West Corner): (3,0) (3 meters (9 feet))
  3. East wall (South West Corner): (3,4) (4 meters (12 feet))
  4. South wall (South East Corner): (0,4)
  5. West wall is automatically connected between last and first corner

Room 2

  1. Start point(North East Corner): (0,4)
  2. North wall (North West Corner): (3,4) (3 meters (9 feet))
  3. East wall (South West Corner): (3,8) (4 meters (12 feet))
  4. South wall (South East Corner): (0,8)
  5. West wall is automatically connected between last and first corner

Example with a fireplace on the 2nd wall and 2 alcoves:


  1. Start point: (0,0)
  2. Width: (5,0) (2 meters (6 feet))
  3. ┘ corner (5,1)
  4. ┌ corner (4.5,1)
  5. └ corner (4.5,3)
  6. ┐ corner (5,3)
  7. Depth: (5,3.5) (3.5 meters (10.5 feet))
  8. Final corner: (0,3.5)
  9. Last wall is automatically connected between last and first corner

Creating Your Floorplan

There are three ways to create your floorplan:

  1. Use MagicPlan to create a free home plan
  2. Use the ESPresense Floorplan Creator to convert measurements to YAML
  3. Directly edit the YAML coordinates in the config file - changes update live thanks to hot reloading
    • The Map has a nice feature where you can hover over a spot on the map, hit Cntrl-C at the points you want, then you can paste those points into the yaml

Node Placement

For optimal device location accuracy:

  • Place base station nodes at the corners of your floorplan
  • Add an additional node within 1-3 meters
  • Aim for 5 fixes minimum - more fixes improve accuracy
  • The algorithm prioritizes closest distances (40% weight using gaussian distribution)

Configuration File

Navigate to /config/espresense/config.yaml and configure:

MQTT Connection

# For Home Assistant's MQTT addon
  username: your_username
  password: your_password
  ssl: false

# For external MQTT, also include:
  host: your_host
  port: 1883

GPS Settings

  latitude: your_decimal_latitude
  longitude: your_decimal_longitude
  elevation: your_elevation_in_meters

Map Settings

  flip_x: false # Set to true to flip X coordinates (default: false)
  flip_y: true # Set to true to use bottom-left origin, false for top-left origin (default: true)
  wall_thickness: 0.1 # Wall thickness in meters
  wall_color: "#ddd" # Optional wall color, if not set uses room color
  wall_opacity: 0.35 # Optional wall opacity, if not set defaults to 0.35

Note: Will just use defaults if left out of config yaml

Optimisation Settings

  enabled: true
  interval_secs: 3600
    absorption_min: 2.5
    absorption_max: 3.5
    tx_ref_rssi_min: -70
    tx_ref_rssi_max: -50
    rx_adj_rssi_min: -15
    rx_adj_rssi_max: 20

    enabled: true
    floors: ["ground", "outside"]  # floor id, see floor configuration section
    bandwidth: 0.5
    kernel: gaussian

    enabled: false
    floors: ["ground", "outside"]  # floor id, see floor configuration section
      algorithm: gaussian
        sigma: 0.10

    enabled: true
    max_distance: 10 # in meters

Note: The locators section and most of the optimization section can be left out if optimization is not wanted, as long as enabled is set to false

Other Settings

timeout: 30 # How long before device considered stale
away_timeout: 120 # How long before device is considered away

  enabled: false # Enable to log history to db (Beta)
  expire_after: 24h # Expire after 24 hours

Floor Configuration

Units are always meters.

  - id: ground
    name: Ground Floor
    bounds: [[0, 0, 0], [10, 8, 3]]  # Bounds (x,y,z) of map in meters, in this example: 10m wide, 8m deep, 3m high ([[left, bottom, z], [right, top, z]]).
    rooms: # See Rooms Section


Rooms are all measured from the initial starting point, regardless of floor. Paste output from floorplan creator or measure manually. Units are always meters.

  - id: living-room
    name: Living Room
    floor: ground
      - [0,0]
      - [3,0]
      - [3,4]
      - [0,4]

Note: you can define 4 or more points depending on the shape of the room. Use clockwise or counter-clockwise order consistently across all rooms.


Create 1 node entry for each node. Units are always meters.

  - id: esp32-1 # optional
    name: Living Room Node
    room: living-room # room id, see rooms section
    point: [2,2,1]  # x,y,z coordinates within room
    floors: ["ground", "outside"] # floor id, see floor configuration section, optional

Note: Multiple nodes can be mapped to one room, but each needs a unique name.


# Devices to track
  # Specific device
  - id: darrels-watch
    name: "Darrell's Watch"

  # Using wildcards
  - id: "tile:*"    # Track all tiles
  - id: "irk:*"     # Track all IRKs
  - id: "apple:*"   # Track all Apple devices
  - id: "ibeacon:*" # Track all iBeacon devices
  - name: "*"       # Track all named devices

# Devices to NOT track
  - id: "iBeacon:e5ca1ade-f007-ba11-0000-000000000000-*" # These are junk, we alias them to node:*

Live Updates

The configuration file supports hot reloading, which means:

  • Changes to the config file update in real-time
  • You can adjust room coordinates and see immediate results
  • Fine-tune node positions while watching the effects live
  • No need to restart the companion after changes

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